Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hairaising for Children's Hospital Boston.

This Sunday April 29, 2012, please join us at James Joseph Salon for HAIRRAISING for Children's Hosptial Boston for $40 haircuts with all proceeds going to charity!  Call 617.266.7222 to make your appointment today.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Ombres Away!

Ombre hair. Love it or hate it, what we once thought was a passing phase seems to be here to stay. Evolving looks of ombre are making their mark again with a new, lightened look for summer with a softer brownish blonde base and ombre'd ends of golden glory. Ombre hair is making it's mark in a major way, and celebrities like Lauren Conrad, Rachel Bilson, Sienna Miller and Drew Barrymore can't get enough. What we love even more is seeing one of our favorite fashion bloggers - Rumi, of the Fashion Toast, rockin' an ombre look that's ta dye for! So if you thought you missed your chance at this gorgeous, fun and show stopping look - you're wrong. Ombre on sistah!